I know, I peed a little too. Now on to the review that I'm always late for. I can't believe Bale's arrested already ....anyway. Great f%$#in' movie! I know Batman continuity and it had very little, but the story almost made up for it. Look at what we had to compare it to! I hate you Joel Schumacher.
Anyway. The "pencil trick" for those who haven't seen it, was really quick, but it's obvious where it goes..........Oklahoma. So far, I've seen a guy get hit by a bus, a semi flip a 180, an "English" butler out-philosophy a district attorney, a lawyer incriminate hundreds of people at one time, and a black guy get cut in the mouth. After all of that, Where were the dead hockey players from Dogma?!?! The movie wasn't missing much except for the batcave, strippers with bat nipples, the entire cast of Fame, nachos, Goobers, and an exert from Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Overall, I'm not giving away anything because some of you would rather see Spiderman (..........) on opening day than little ol' Batman, but see the damn movie. Although Harvey Dent got a pretty nasty sunburn, it shouldn't leave a huge scab.
Click and Win!!
I happen to like batman myself-- it was an entertaining movie...
Personally, I like when joker blew up the hospital...
spoiler alert: I loved the movie. It only lacked one thing that would have made it perfect for me, and that is if the Joker, while dangling upside down at the end, had snapped his own spine as he did at the end of The Dark Knight Returns. That would have been beautiful.
Good stuff--Rickey's a big bat-nut too and absolutely loved the movie.
Easily surpassed Spiderman 2 as my favorite superhero movie of all-time.
In fact, probably one of the better movies I've seen in the last couple years.
I wonder if Heath actually slept with both Maggie and Jake.
It was a great movie, and I am looking forward to more over the next 20 years.
Man, I haven't had a full-blown "LOL" in a long time.
That was AWESOME!!
Yeah, I was disappointed about them not throwing in the cast of "Fame" too! Darn it.
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